Robert Pinsky

Thank you Mr. Kolibas and Mr. Florkewicz

My old antagonists thank you Joe Cittadino fellow

Citizen in the Bad Class Thank you Principal Wood

For your stony lack of mercy thank you wandering


Mind that Mr. Kolibas and Mr.Florkewicz could sense

Was an enemy not to receive a passing grade now

I am a grateful elder letting my mind pass from plea

To pleading as it wanders the past Mr. Florkewicz


Probably dead when you excluded me from those afternoon

Student faculty volleyball matches you said It Is Not  His

Religion and that was the truth or let it pass for the truth

Because you graded me correctly as likely to become


Errant, wandering mind acceptable enough now against

The gradient of tedium thank you Mr. Kolibas your F your

Fucknig F let me pass into the undignified Bad Class where Joe

And the other citizens of the Errant Republic and I


Passed into a world of imagination and daydreaming defiance

Thank you on that principle which for forty years now of

Wandering away from the desert of deserving and undeserving 

Has somehow Mr. Kolibas and Mr. Florkewicz earned me


Passage into this world of imagination where at a machine

None of us could have imagined I earn my bread and recall

Your names doubtless dead now thank you for their syllables,

Forked, Cold, Wet, Vicious, Evident, Local, Unforgotten Thank You.

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